
1.明确广告设计目标 使用场景:制作针对特定产品/服务的广告时,明确设计方向和受众需求。 作用:指导设计原则和布局技术,创建视觉吸引力和效果突出的广告 ✅提示词: Develop a step-by-step design plan for creating a visually appealing and effective advertisement for [Product/Service Name] on [Platform]. Break down the process into:1. Identifying the target audience and their preferences.2. Analyzing the brand identity and how it should influence the design.3. Recommending design principles and layout techniques with examples.4. Explaining how […]

列举10种常用的广告文案撰写GPT英文提示词,适用于不同场景或产品类目 1.撰写一般产品推广广告文案,如电商广告、SaaS软件推广、实体服务营销等 提示词:[Product/Service Name]: Describe the key benefits and features of this product/service in a way that will captivate audiences on [Platform]. Incorporate a strong call-to-action that encourages potential customers to take the next step. ✅描述产品/服务的关键优势和特性,以吸引特定平台的受众,并加入明确的CTA(号召性用语)鼓励用户采取行动。 ⚠️注意:明确目标平台(如Instagram适合视觉冲击力强的文案,LinkedIn适合更专业的表达);CTA需具体,如“立即购买” vs “了解更多”。 2.撰写精准营销、社交媒体广告、B2C/B2B推广广告文案 提示词:[Target Audience]: Write a compelling [Platform] ad copy that speaks directly to the pain points […]